Musical Baton(ミュージカル・バトン)
音楽配信メモ津田さんより、光栄なことにMusical Batonというのを渡されたようです。
Musical Batonとは何かというと、次の質問に答えて、次の5名を指名するという、Web上の音楽系お遊びらしいです。Blog界のお遊びにはあんまり絡んだこと無いのですが、これは音楽のネタですし、他ならぬ津田さんから振られましたので、照れくさいですが喜んで書かせて頂きたいと思います、全裸で:P
■Total volume of music files on my computer:(今コンピュータに入ってる音楽ファイルの容量)
Main Laptop PC:6.5GB |
普段使ってるノートPC:6.5GB |
NAS:16.2GB |
LAN上にあるファイルサーバ:16.2GB |
Total:22.8GB |
合計: 22.8GB |
It is mainly MP3 file. There are also many WAV files which has not encoded made for my original work / music which carried out collaboration, since quantity increases too much, it has not included. |
主にMP3のファイル。他に自作/コラボ曲のエンコードしてないWAVなんかもあるけど爆発しちゃうので含めていません。 |
■Song playing right now:(今聞いている曲)
木村カエラ&増田ジゴロウ - 箱根のうた / Kaera KIMURA & Jigoro MASUDA - Hakone-no Uta
■The last CD I bought(最後に買ったCD)
I bought following at at a time. |
アマゾンでまとめて買いました。 |
* Fine Time 2〜A Tribute to New Wave
* SILICONE SOUL - Staring into Space
* ARC - Arcturus
* Max Graham & Yes- Owner of a Lonely Heart
■Five songs(tunes) I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:(よく聞く、または特別な思い入れのある5曲)
- 井上陽水 - 東へ西へ / Yosui INOUE - Higashi-e Nishi-e
Music which the teacher in charge at elementary school (He can also be called the teacher of life) had often sung it on the fork guitar carried into the classroom between tests. I got to know the pleasure of playing musical instrument by this music. My Soul Song.
- SCREAMIN JAY HAWKINS - I Put a Spell on You
The insertion song of a well-known movie Stranger Than Paradise. It's cool.
- Underworld - Born slippy
The very famous master piece of dance music.
The voice of Karl which like speaker passed and charactaristic bass drum are the feature. When I heard it for the first time, it was shocked, "Is it Japanese traditional Bon dance music!?". It is still regret that I was not able to go to RAINBOW2000 of the first time.
- Stretch 'n' Vern present "MADDOG" - Get up! Go insane!
97年やっと行けたRAINBOW2000嵐のCOSMIC GROUNDキラーチューン。嵐の中で上半身裸でこの曲で踊ってる連中の風景は、頭から離れません。
I participated in RAINBOW2000 for the first time in 1997, but the weather was a storm . This music was COSMIC GROUND's killer tune. I can't forget the spectacle of the party people was dancing with this music by upper-half-of-the-body nakedness in a storm.
- 渋さ知らず - P-chan / Shibusa shirazu - P-chan
I listened to this music for the first time in neighboring CD store in 1999.
since a feeling of a scamper was wonderful, I have bought CD immediately, even I didn't know who is performing.
■Five people to whom I'm passing the baton(私がバトンを渡す5人の人)
絵文録ことのはの松永さんが、このMusical Batonの起源に関して調べてくださっています。ご参考に。
by CAB at 05/06/15 01:50